plan 9 kernel history: overview | file list | diff list

1990/0227/power/dat.h (diff list | history)

power/dat.h on 1990/0227
typedef struct Alarm	Alarm; 
typedef struct Blist	Blist; 
typedef struct Block	Block; 
typedef struct Chan	Chan; 
typedef struct Conf	Conf; 
typedef struct Dev	Dev; 
typedef struct Dirtab	Dirtab; 
typedef struct Env	Env; 
typedef struct Envp	Envp; 
typedef struct Envval	Envval; 
typedef struct Error	Error; 
typedef struct FPsave	FPsave; 
typedef struct Label	Label; 
typedef struct List	List; 
typedef struct Lock	Lock; 
typedef struct Mach	Mach; 
typedef struct Mount	Mount; 
typedef struct Mtab	Mtab; 
typedef struct Note	Note; 
typedef struct Orig	Orig; 
typedef struct PTE	PTE; 
typedef struct Page	Page; 
typedef struct Pgrp	Pgrp; 
typedef struct Proc	Proc; 
typedef struct QLock	QLock; 
typedef struct Qinfo	Qinfo; 
typedef struct Queue	Queue; 
typedef struct Stream	Stream; 
typedef struct Ref	Ref; 
typedef struct Rendez	Rendez; 
typedef struct Seg	Seg; 
typedef struct Ureg	Ureg; 
typedef struct User	User; 
typedef int Devgen(Chan*, Dirtab*, int, int, Dir*); 
struct List 
	void	*next; 
struct Lock 
	ulong	*sbsem;			/* addr of sync bus semaphore */ 
	ulong	pc; 
struct Ref 
	int	ref; 
struct QLock 
	Proc	*head;			/* next process waiting for object */ 
	Proc	*tail;			/* last process waiting for object */ 
	Lock	use;			/* to use object */ 
	Lock	queue;			/* to access list */ 
struct Label 
	ulong	pc; 
	ulong	sp; 
struct Alarm 
	int	busy; 
	long	dt;		/* may underflow in clock(); must be signed */ 
	void	(*f)(void*); 
	void	*arg; 
#define	CHDIR	0x80000000L 
#define	QPATH	0x0000FFFFL 
struct Chan 
	QLock;				/* general access */ 
		Chan	*next;		/* allocation */ 
		ulong	offset;		/* in file */ 
	ushort	type; 
	ushort	dev; 
	ushort	mode;			/* read/write */ 
	ushort	flag; 
	ulong	qid; 
	Mount	*mnt;			/* mount point that derived Chan */ 
	ulong	mountid; 
	int	fid;			/* for devmnt */ 
	Stream	*stream;		/* for stream channels */ 
struct	FPsave 
	long	fpreg[32]; 
	long	fpstatus; 
struct Conf 
	int	nmach;		/* processors */ 
	int	nproc;		/* processes */ 
	int	npgrp;		/* process groups */ 
	ulong	npage;		/* total physical pages of memory */ 
	ulong	norig;		/* origins */ 
	ulong	npte;		/* contiguous page table entries */ 
	ulong	nmod;		/* single (modifying) page table entries */ 
	int	nalarm;		/* alarms */ 
	int	nchan;		/* channels */ 
	int	nenv;		/* distinct environment values */ 
	int	nenvchar;	/* environment text storage */ 
	int	npgenv;		/* environment files per process group */ 
	int	nmtab;		/* mounted-upon channels per process group */ 
	int	nmount;		/* mounts */ 
	int	nmntdev;	/* mounted devices (devmnt.c) */ 
	int	nmntbuf;	/* buffers for devmnt.c messages */ 
	int	nmnthdr;	/* headers for devmnt.c messages */ 
	int	nstream;	/* streams */ 
	int	nqueue;		/* stream queues */ 
	int	nblock;		/* stream blocks */ 
	int	nsrv;		/* public servers (devsrv.c) */ 
struct Dev 
	void	 (*reset)(void); 
	void	 (*init)(void); 
	Chan	*(*attach)(char*); 
	Chan	*(*clone)(Chan*, Chan*); 
	int	 (*walk)(Chan*, char*); 
	void	 (*stat)(Chan*, char*); 
	Chan	*(*open)(Chan*, int); 
	void	 (*create)(Chan*, char*, int, ulong); 
	void	 (*close)(Chan*); 
	long	 (*read)(Chan*, void*, long); 
	long	 (*write)(Chan*, void*, long); 
	void	 (*remove)(Chan*); 
	void	 (*wstat)(Chan*, char*); 
	void	 (*errstr)(Error*, char*); 
	void	 (*userstr)(Error*, char*); 
struct Dirtab 
	char	name[NAMELEN]; 
	long	qid; 
	long	length; 
	long	perm; 
struct Env 
	Envval	*val; 
	char	name[NAMELEN]; 
	Env	*next;			/* in chain of Envs for a pgrp */ 
	int	pgref;			/* # pgrps pointing here */ 
struct Envp 
	Env	*env; 
	int	chref;			/* # chans from pgrp pointing here */ 
struct Mach 
	int	machno;			/* physical id of processor */ 
	int	mmask;			/* 1<<m->machno */ 
	ulong	ticks;			/* of the clock since boot time */ 
	Proc	*proc;			/* current process on this processor */ 
	Label	sched;			/* scheduler wakeup */ 
	Lock	alarmlock;		/* access to alarm list */ 
	void	*alarm;			/* alarms bound to this clock */ 
	void	(*intr)(ulong);		/* pending interrupt */ 
	Proc	*intrp;			/* process that was interrupted */ 
	ulong	cause;			/* arg to intr */ 
	char	pidhere[NTLBPID];	/* is this pid possibly in this mmu? */ 
	int	lastpid;		/* last pid allocated on this machine */ 
	Proc	*pidproc[NTLBPID];	/* process that owns this tlbpid on this mach */ 
	int	stack[1]; 
struct Mount 
	Ref;				/* also used as a lock when playing lists */ 
	short	term;			/* terminates list */ 
	ulong	mountid; 
	Mount	*next; 
	Chan	*c;			/* channel replacing underlying channel */ 
struct Mtab 
	Chan	*c;			/* channel mounted upon */ 
	Mount	*mnt;			/* what's mounted upon it */ 
	NUser,				/* note provided externally */ 
	NExit,				/* process should exit */ 
	NDebug,				/* process should hang */ 
struct Note 
	char	msg[ERRLEN]; 
	int	flag;			/* whether system posted it */ 
struct Orig 
	Orig	*next;			/* for allocation */ 
	ushort	nproc;			/* processes using it */ 
	ushort	npage;			/* sum of refs of pages in it */ 
	ushort	flag; 
	ulong	va;			/* va of 0th pte */ 
	ulong	npte;			/* #pte's in list */ 
	PTE	*pte; 
	Chan	*chan;			/* channel deriving segment (if open) */ 
	ushort	type;			/* of channel (which could be non-open) */ 
	ushort	dev; 
	ulong	qid; 
	ulong	minca;			/* base of region in chan */ 
	ulong	maxca;			/* end of region in chan */ 
struct Page 
	Orig	*o;			/* origin of segment owning page */ 
	ulong	va;			/* virtual address */ 
	ulong	pa;			/* physical address */ 
	ushort	ref; 
	Page	*next; 
	Page	*prev; 
struct Pgrp 
	Ref;				/* also used as a lock when mounting */ 
	Pgrp	*next; 
	ulong	pgrpid; 
	char	user[NAMELEN]; 
	int	nmtab;			/* highest active mount table entry, +1 */ 
	int	nenv;			/* highest active env table entry, +1 */ 
	Mtab	*mtab; 
	Envp	*etab; 
struct PTE 
	Proc	*proc;			/* process owning this PTE (0 in Orig) */ 
	PTE	*nextmod;		/* next at this va */ 
	PTE	*nextva;		/* next in this proc at higher va */ 
	Page	*page; 
struct Rendez 
	Proc	*p; 
struct Seg 
	Proc	*proc;			/* process owning this segment */ 
	Orig	*o;			/* root list of pte's */ 
	ulong	minva;			/* va of 0th pte (not necessarily Seg->o->va) */ 
	ulong	maxva;			/* va of last pte */ 
	PTE	*mod;			/* list of modified pte's */ 
	ulong	pad[3]; /**/ 
struct Proc 
	Label	sched; 
	Mach	*mach;			/* machine running this proc */ 
	char	text[NAMELEN]; 
	Proc	*rnext;			/* next process in run queue */ 
	Proc	*qnext;			/* next process on queue for a QLock */ 
	int	state; 
	short	pidonmach[MAXMACH];	/* TLB pid on each mmu */ 
	Page	*upage;			/* BUG: should be unlinked from page list */ 
	Seg	seg[NSEG]; 
	ulong	pid; 
	int	nchild; 
	QLock	wait;			/* exiting children to be waited for */ 
	Waitmsg	*waitmsg; 
	Proc	*child; 
	Proc	*parent; 
	Pgrp	*pgrp; 
	ulong	parentpid; 
	ulong	time[6];		/* User, Sys, Real; child U, S, R */ 
	short	exiting; 
	short	insyscall; 
	int	fpstate; 
	Lock	debug;			/* to access debugging elements of User */ 
	Rendez	*r;			/* rendezvous point slept on */ 
	Rendez	sleep;			/* place for tsleep and syssleep */ 
	int	wokeup;			/* whether sleep was interrupted */ 
	ulong	pc;			/* DEBUG only */ 
#define	NERR	15 
#define	NFD	100 
#define	NNOTE	5 
struct User 
	Proc	*p; 
	Label	errlab[NERR]; 
	int	nerrlab; 
	Error	error; 
	FPsave	fpsave;			/* address of this is known by vdb */ 
	char	elem[NAMELEN];		/* last name element from namec */ 
	Chan	*slash; 
	Chan	*dot; 
	Chan	*fd[NFD]; 
	int	maxfd;			/* highest fd in use */ 
	 * Rest of structure controlled by devproc.c and friends. 
	 * lock(&p->debug) to modify. 
	Note	note[NNOTE]; 
	short	nnote; 
	short	notified;		/* sysnoted is due */ 
	int	(*notify)(void*, char*); 
	void	*ureg; 
 *  operations available to a queue 
struct Qinfo 
	void (*iput)(Queue*, Block*);	/* input routine */ 
	void (*oput)(Queue*, Block*);	/* output routine */ 
	void (*open)(Queue*, Stream*); 
	void (*close)(Queue*); 
	char *name; 
 *  We reference lance buffers via descriptors kept in host memory 
struct Block 
	Block	*next; 
	uchar	*rptr;		/* first unconsumed byte */ 
	uchar	*wptr;		/* first empty byte */ 
	uchar	*lim;		/* 1 past the end of the buffer */ 
	uchar	*base;		/* start of the buffer */ 
	uchar	flags; 
	uchar	type; 
/* flag bits */ 
#define S_DELIM 0x80 
#define S_CLASS 0x07 
/* type values */ 
#define M_DATA 0 
#define M_CTL 1 
#define M_HANGUP 2 
 *  a list of blocks 
struct Blist { 
	Block	*first;		/* first data block */ 
	Block	*last;		/* last data block */ 
	long	len;		/* length of list in bytes */ 
 *  a queue of blocks 
struct Queue { 
	int	flag; 
	Qinfo	*info;		/* line discipline definition */ 
	Queue	*other;		/* opposite direction, same line discipline */ 
	Queue	*next;		/* next queue in the stream */ 
	void	(*put)(Queue*, Block*); 
	Rendez	r; 
	void	*ptr;		/* private info for the queue */ 
#define QHUNGUP	0x1	/* flag bit meaning the stream has been hung up */ 
#define QINUSE	0x2 
#define QHIWAT	0x4	/* queue has gone past the high water mark */	 
 *  a stream head 
struct Stream { 
	Lock;			/* structure lock */ 
	int	inuse;		/* use count */ 
	int	type;		/* correclation with Chan */ 
	int	dev;		/* ... */ 
	int	id;		/* ... */ 
	QLock	rdlock;		/* read lock */ 
	QLock	wrlock;		/* write lock */ 
	Queue	*procq;		/* write queue at process end */ 
	Queue	*devq;		/* read queue at device end */ 
	char	tag[32];	/* when reading the tag qid */ 
#define	RD(q)		((q)->other < (q) ? (q->other) : q) 
#define	WR(q)		((q)->other > (q) ? (q->other) : q) 
#define GLOBAL(a)	(((ulong)(a)) & 0x80000000) 
#define STREAMTYPE(x)	((x)&0x1f) 
#define STREAMID(x)	(((x)&~CHDIR)>>5) 
#define STREAMQID(i,t)	(((i)<<5)|(t)) 
#define PUTNEXT(q,b)	(*(q)->next->put)((q)->next, bp) 
 *  stream file qid's & high water mark 
enum { 
	Shighqid = STREAMQID(1,0) - 1, 
	Sdataqid = Shighqid, 
	Sctlqid = Sdataqid-1, 
	Slowqid = Sctlqid, 
	Streamhi= (32*1024),	/* stream high water mark */ 
#define	PRINTSIZE	256 
	short	machs; 
	short	exiting; 
extern register	Mach	*m; 
extern register	User	*u; 
 * Process states 
	Dead = 0, 
extern	char	*statename[]; 
 * Chan flags 
#define	COPEN	1	/* for i/o */ 
#define	CMOUNT	2	/* is result of a mount/bind */ 
#define	CCREATE	4	/* permits creation if CMOUNT */ 
 * Proc.time 
 * floating point registers 
 * Memory management 
#define	SSEG	0 
#define	TSEG	1 
#define	DSEG	2 
#define	BSEG	3 
#define	ESEG	4	/* used by exec to build new stack */ 
#define	OWRPERM	0x01	/* write permission */ 
#define	OPURE	0x02	/* original data mustn't be written */ 
#define	OCACHED	0x04	/* cached; don't discard on exit */ 
 * Access types in namec 
	Aaccess,	/* as in access, stat */ 
	Atodir,		/* as in chdir */ 
	Aopen,		/* for i/o */ 
	Amount,		/* to be mounted upon */ 
	Acreate,	/* file is to be created */ 
#define	NUMSIZE	12		/* size of formatted number */ 
#define	MACHP(n)	((Mach *)(MACHADDR+n*BY2PG)) 
extern	Conf	conf; 
extern	ulong	initcode[]; 
extern	Dev	devtab[]; 
extern	char	devchar[]; 
extern	FPsave	initfp; 

source code copyright © 1990-2005 Lucent Technologies; see license
Plan 9 distribution
comments to russ cox (